Sunday, October 22, 2017

Scratchbord Cat in Macro - WIP 2 and Future Videos Announcement

Here's some news that I am very excited about: I have purchased the necessary items to operate my son's video camera and I am planning on making videos of some of my WIPs to post here and on my Youtube channel. Only problem is, I do not yet have any video editing software. My son has a really good editing program since he used to make videos and stream online. He really likes the software, so maybe I will have to borrow his computer to edit the videos until I can get some software of my own. Hopefully, by the first of the new year, I will have some videos up and running for your viewing pleasure!

Now, onto the art!

I've been trying to get some time into this piece, but it's coming along very slowly. Once I get to the fur, it will go much more quickly.

So, the left eye is complete except for touch-ups. I decided not to paint a layer of black repair ink over it though, at least not at this point. I may decide I need to darken the values a bit later on though.

I started on the right eye (as we see it), but just barely. I hope to have it completed both eyes by next weekend. After the eyes I usually go onto the nose, but I may decide to just start in on the fur and do the nose when I get to that section. We'll see how it goes.

So here is the piece: First a close-up on the left eye. I can see a few spots where I need to touch-up the values a bit.

And here is a shot panning out and showing most the picture:

You can see where I have begun the eye on the right. I haven't decided yet if I will add color to the eyes or not. What do you guys think????

Hope you enjoyed the update and  .........................

........................HAPPY ARTING! 

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